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Relationship with Processes
Processes own resources, so processes include a virtual address space to hold the process image
Processes have to be scheduled and execute, and may be interleaved with other processes.
We use threads to execute within a process and use the resources of a process.
- Dispatching referred to as threads. They have:
- basically everything but resource ownership
- execution state (running, ready, etc)
- saved context when not running
- has execution stack
- per-thread static storage for local variables
- access to process resources
- Resource ownership referred to as a process
- virtual address space to hold the process image
- protected access to processors, other processes, files, IO
Benefits of Threads
- threads are faster to make because you can skip resource allocation
- less time to terminate than a process, no memory area to deallocate
- less time to switch between two threads in the same process because they share the same process heap
- Good for separating foreground/background work
- Good for async processing
- Suspending a process suspends all threads of the process
- termination of a process terminates all threads of the process
- States for threads:
- spawn (spand another thread)
- block
- unblock
- finish (deallocate register context and stack)
User-level threads
- all thread management done by application
- if the kernel is not aware of existence of threads, it can't assign threads to multiple processors
- less switching overhead
- scheduling is app specific
- can run on any OS
Kernel-level threads
- OS calls are blocking only the thread
- can schedule threads simultaneously on multiple processors
- Small OS core
- contains only essential functions for OS
- these are now subsystems (in user mode) instead of OS things:
- device drivers
- file systems
- virtual memory manager
- windowing system
- security services
- crashing a module doesn't crash the kernel
- Multiple applications and multiprogramming
- structured applications: applications can be a set of concurrent processes
- OS structure: OS is a set of processes or threads
critical section: section of code that requires access to shared resources, may not be executed while another process is in a corresponding section of code
deadlock: situation where two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for another
livelock: both continuously change their state in response ot another process without actually doing useful work
mutual exclusion: rewuirement that no two processes can be in the critical section at once
race condition: the result depends on relative timing of multiple concurrent processes
starvation: runnable process overlooked indefinitely by the scheduler
OS Concerns
- keep track of processes
- allocate and deallocate resources:
- processor time
- memory
- files
- IO devices
- protect data resources
Interaction among processes
- Processes are unwaware of each other
- Processes are indirectly aware of each other
- Processes are directly aware of each other
Mechanisms for mutual exclusion
- Software: Dekker's algorithm
- Hardware
- special instructions
- performed in a single instruction cycle
- access to memory location is blocked for any other instructions
- disable interrupts as a means for mutual exclusion on a uniprocessor system
- dispatcher is triggered by an interrupt, so if interrupts are enabled, the process won't switch
- special machine instructions
- atomic, will not be preempted
- performed in single instruction cycle
- access to memory it blocked for any other instructions
- e.g.
, testset
Advanced mechanisms
A concurrency control mechanism based on special variable for signalling. If a process is waiting for a signal, it is suspended until the signal is sent.
- semaphore variable has an integer value
- wait operation decrements semaphore value
- signal operation increments the value
anyone can call
or semSignal
, unlike mutexes, where only the process with the lock can release the lock
- no way to know if
will block or not
may wake up a process, but you won't know whether or not it does
- They block when the value is \(\leq 0\)
- Software module
- local data variables are accessible only by the monitor (shared data in the monitor is safe)
- process enters by invoking one of its procedures (controlled entry)
- Only one process can be executing in the monitor at a time (mutex)
- Uses condition variables for signalling
- unused signals are lost
keyword in Java
Mesa monitors
- signalling doesn't cause the thread to lose occupancy of the monitor
- nonblocking condition variables
Message passing
- Enforce mutual exclusion
- Exchange information
send(destination, message)
receive(source, message)
- Sender and receiver may or may not be blocking
- blocking send and receive: both blocked until mesage delivered (rendez-vous)
- Nonblocking send, blocking receive: sender continues on, receiver is blocked until the requiested message arrives
- Nonblocking send, nonblocking receive: neither party is required to wait
- Direct addressing
- send primitive includes identifier for the destination process
- receive primitive could know ahead of time from which process a message is expected
- receive primitive could use a source param to return a value when the receive operation has been performed
- Indirect addressing
- messages sent to shared data structure consisting of queues called mailboxes
- one prcess sends message to mailbox, other picks up message from mailbox
Reader/Writer Problem
- Any number of readers can read a file
- Only one writer can write at a time
- IF a writer is writing, no one can read
- permanent blocking of processes that either compete for resources or communicate with each other
- no efficient solution in general case
- involve conflicting needs for resources
- processors, IO channels, main memory, devices, files, semaphores, etc
- deadlock occurs if each process holds one resource and requests the other
- Created and destroyed
- Interrupts, signals, messages, information on IO buffers
- deadlock can occur if
is blocking
Conditions for Deadlock
- necessary and sufficient
- Mutual exclusion (only one process can use a resource at a time)
- necessary
- Hold and wait (a process holds allocated resources while waiting for assignment of others)
- No preemption (no resource can be removed forcibly from the process holding it, require rollback mechanism for saving state)
- circular wait (closed chain of processes exist, such that each process holds at least one resource needed by the next process in the chain)
Avoidance at runtime
- Whenever you make a request, first check if it can be granted without problem
- Requires knowledge of future processes
- Do not start a process if its demands might deadlock
- If the sum of all requested resources exceeds resource budget
- Do not grant incremental resource request if this might lead to deadlock
Referred to as the Banker's Algorithm. The state of the system is the current allocation of resources to process. It is in a safe state if there is at least one sequence that doesn't result in deadlock. The goal is to always have a safe state.
Conditions and requirements:
- maximum resource requirement must be stated in advance
- processes under consideration must be independent, no synchronization requirements
- must be fixed number of resources to allocate
- no process may exit when holding resources
- Abort all deadlocked processes
- Back up deadlocked process to some previously defined checkpoint, restart all processes
- successfully abort deadlocked processes until deadlock no longer exists
- Successfully preempt resources until deadlock no longer exists
Unix concurrency
- Pipes: producer/consumer data passing between programs
- Messages
- Shared memory
- Semaphores
- Signals